
Search Results for: swartz


Rashid Sumaila (OceanCanada リサーチディレクター)とUBC Global Fisheries Cluster (Sea Around Us とネレウスプログラム) の共同研究「an updated estimate of global fisheries subsidies」が、学術誌Marine Policyに掲載された。この研究は、世界の水産業は年間350億ドルの政府からの補助金により支えられており、この補助金の大部分(年間200億ドル)が、乱獲等に繋がる漁獲能力拡大の助長に充てられている可能性があると指摘している。

論文の共著者であるWilf Swartz(ネレウスリサーチアソシエイト)が、漁業補助金とは何なのか、タイプの違い、これらの結果が意味することについて説明する。

Fisheries Subsidies [JAPANESE]










Image: "The Richard Arnold" by Marcy Leigh, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

補助金は、水産業を援助するかもしれないが、漁業資源の持続可能性をつ常に援助しているというわけではない。Image: “The Richard Arnold” by Marcy Leigh, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).




For further information or interview requests, please contact:
Lindsay Lafreniere
Communications Officer, Nereus Program
Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
The University of British Columbia
[email protected]

Vector illustration credit: Vecteezy



By William Cheung (ネレウスディレクター /科学)

人間の経済活動により漁業の持続可能性が脅かされている。IUU漁業(違法、無報告、無規制)による乱獲が、その主要な要因として挙げられる。ネレウスの共同研究グループであるSea Around Usの最近の研究よると、世界の漁獲量の3割が未報告であることがわかった。





Image: "fishing boats" by snapshotdiaries (CC BY-NC 2.0).

漁師は、気候変動による魚資源の損失を埋め合わせるために、漁場を移したり代替漁業を営まなければならないかもしれない。 Image: “fishing boats” by snapshotdiaries (CC BY-NC 2.0).

第9回 IUU漁業に関する国際フォーラム( International Forum on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

漁業の持続可能性を確実なものにする打開策を開発するには、気候変動、人間の経済活動、IUU漁業の相互接続をはかる統合マルチスケールによるアプローチが必要である。2月16日、17日の両日、 第9回International Forum on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishingが、ロンドンのRoyal Institute of International Affairsで開催された。私は、気候変動による漁業への影響やIUU漁業への関連についての講演をするために訪れ、討論会にも参加した。

このフォーラムは、学者、政治家、司法当局、市民団体、資金提供機関、法人が招かれ、 IUU漁業について討論した。参加した討論会では、最近の IUU漁業の規模、国連の持続可能な開発目標の文脈におけるIUU漁業について、また予想される気候変動の影響や国際社会での優先事項などについて話し合った。国際取引規制、新しい技術やデータの役割、 IUU 漁業と他の犯罪の関係性、EUの規制、IUU 漁業問題への取り組みに対する国際社会の反応をいかにうまく調整するかなど、IUU漁業の他局面についてはその後の討論会で議論された。

Hon. Sherry Ayittey(ガーナ共和国、漁業養殖開発大臣)は、基調講演の中で、漁業を取り巻く多次元からの圧迫に取り組む際の課題を提起した。2012年に発表した、Vicky Lam、Rashid Sumaila、Wilf Swartzと共著した研究では、ガーナを含む西アフリカでの漁業は、気候変動に非常に脆弱であることを示した。



2014年よりNF-UBC ネレウスプログラムのディレクター(科学)、研究責任者。UBC准教授。彼の主な研究分野は、気候変動による、漁業、海洋生態系、海洋資源および海洋事業への影響の調査や、漁業管理でのトレードオフを調和する方法について。

世界の海のクロマグロの現状と未来-Bluefin Futures Symposium

by Guillermo Ortuño Crespo (ギエルモ オトゥーロ クレスポ)

1月18日から20日にかけての3日間、世界の海に生息する3種のクロマグロの保護と管理に関して第一線で活躍する専門家たちが、カリフォルニア州モントレーに100人以上集まり、Bluefin Futures Symposiumに参加した。科学、政策の分野、また企業からの研究者、そして保全リーダーたちが初めて国際的に集結し、現在の資源状況、研究の成果、管理体制の曖昧さというような、これら海の捕食者を漁獲するために、未来の持続可能性を保証する鍵を握るテーマについて議論した。


Image: "

Bluefin Futures Symposiumでは、管理者、科学者、NGO代表者が一同に会し、未来のクロマグロの持続可能性のために、問題について討論するだけでなく実行可能な解決法が話し合われた。 Image: “Bluefin tuna” by Aziz SALTIK, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

ネレウスプログラムからは、Dr. Yoshitaka Ota (ネレウスディレクター/政策担当)、Dr. Wilf Swartz (ネレウスプログラムマネージャー/研究員)Andre Boustany(デューク大学、ネレウス同窓生)、Guillermo Ortuño Crespo(デューク大学、博士課程/ネレウスフェロー)の4人が参加した。

シンポジウムでは、ネレウスプログラムを広める機会があった。3日間のイベントの最初のセッションである‘Migration patterns and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)’について、Dr. Boustany が概要を発表することから始まり、魚種ごとの空間的移動について広い海域を対象とした議論ができるように基盤となる知見の共有をはかった。※

※参加者には、EU海洋漁業担当大臣のMaria Damanaki 、マリア ダマナキ氏(前 European Union Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Global Managing Director for Oceans, The Nature Conservancy)も含まれており、このイベントは、Dr. Ota にとってMaria Damanaki とネレウスレポートの感想を語り合う絶好の機会となった。“Predicting Future Oceans: Climate Change, Oceans & Fisheries”という、ネレウスレポートについて、ダマナキ氏はツイッターでシェアしている。



※いくつかのセッションで、学際的研究に関わる質問が中心部を占め、ネレウスの研究(Dr. Swartz、 Dr. Lisa Dellmuth が行う)が管理プロセスで重要な役割を担っていることが認識された。

シンポジウムの7番目のセッションは、Working toward sustainable bluefin tuna fisheries: RMFO solutions’であった。マグロ類地域漁業管理機関 (RFMOs)にさらに信頼を置き、包括的で民主的に行う、非常に前向きで達成可能な提案がされた。クロマグロの違法・無報告・無規制漁業 (IUU漁業)に対する市場を基準とした解決法が議論され、さらに追跡可能なメカニズムと漁獲の文書化を用いることとした。Stefaan Depypere(Director of International Affairs and Markets, European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries)は、「違法に捕られた魚の市場価値を取り上げろ。文書がなければ、無価値とする。(take away market value of illegal fish, no documentation, no value)」と述べた。The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)は、Bluefin Tuna Catch Documentation Schemeを実施し、最近大西洋クロマグロのトレーサビリティを大きく改善した。他のRFMOsはそれに続くべきであろう。

Boustany opened the first session of the three-day event with a synopsis of our knowledge on ‘Migration patterns and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

Andre Boustany(デューク大学/ネレウス同窓生)が、Bluefin Futures Symposiumにてネレウスの研究 ‘Migration patterns and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)’を発表した。

参加者一同は、科学的なデータ分析の段階と意思決定の段階に、クロマグロを漁獲する発展途上国を含めることによって、データ収集のプロセスに参加している以上に発展途上国の参加を促すべきであるということに同意した。パネリストたちの話し合いでは、マグロRFMOの意思決定では、データ収集が、常にコンプライアンスや透明性のある中で成されるわけでなく、未だ非常に政治的に扱われるプロセスであるということも意見が一致した。データ集積の責任とコンプライアンスの公正を確保するためには、先進国と開発途上国すべてのマグロ漁業国を含むことが不可欠であり、道標となるであろう。これにより、管理プロセスに与えられる情報が改善するだけでなく、マグロ RFMOs により、同盟国間に信憑性と信頼を生み出すのだ。


Guillermo Ortuño Crespo


ギエルモは、デューク大学Marine Geospatial Ecology Labの博士課程に在学。セントアンドリュー大学でEcosystem-based Management of Marine Systemsの学士課程を終了した。彼の研究では、クロマグロの保全と管理、また遺伝子ツールを利用した漁業管理に焦点を当てる。空間生態学、移動性の高い回遊魚種の保全に注目し、特に国家の管轄領域を超えた地域での管理についての根本的な疑問提起をしている。

International Marine Conservation Congress

The Nereus Program will have a presence at the International Marine Conservation Congress taking place from July 30th to August 3rd in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

Following the theme of “Making Science Matter” to stakeholders, policy makers, and practitioners in order for conservation efforts to be successful, the congress will revolve around specific topics related to marine conservation.

Schedule for Nereus-affiliated sessions:

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Poster Session – 17:30-19:30
Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor – “Impacts of ecotourism on conservation and resource management at local and global scales”
Abstract: Marine ecotourism can have clear conservation benefits when species become more valuable alive than dead. Such economic and ecological success has been achieved by communities around the world that benefit from species (e.g. whales, sharks, sea lions) or ecosystems (e.g. reefs, mangroves). The role of ecotourism in prompting international conservation is less clear, but there is strong supporting evidence of its influence at these large scales, including the enactment of large marine protected areas and other conservation policies or fisheries regulations around the world. Sustainable use of marine resources must be incentivized regardless of alternative industries, and tourism can never fulfill all of the potential benefits of, for example, a sustainable fishery. Yet, the economic and ecological benefits of ecotourism, and their subsequent social and political effects, will be increasingly prevalent at both local and larger spatial scales.

Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor, Vicky Lam, Gabriel Reygondeau, Wilf Swartz, Yoshitaka Ota – “Links between human conflict and marine ecosystem health”
Abstract: The environmental and social impacts of climate change will be increasingly difficult to mitigate and adapt to, and instances of environmental shocks triggering human crises have been observed around the world. Coastal communities are particularly vulnerable to the negative environmental and social outcomes of ongoing global change, due to mostly open-access conditions in marine regions. We present a conceptual model linking vulnerability to resource scarcity and human governance, and support this framework using global data. Our results show a direct relationship between national-scale governance and marine ecosystem status, where areas with poor governance and poor ecosystem health show increased instances and severity of human conflicts. These findings have significant implications for regions where local anthropogenic pressures and climate change are expected to lead to further stress on marine ecosystems, and subsequent higher risk of environmentally-triggered human conflict.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The impact of overfishing and climate change on food security and human nutrition – 11:00-13:00
Vicky Lam, William Cheung, Rashid Sumaila, Gabriel Reygondeau, Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor, Wilf Swartz – “Future projections of global and regional marine fisheries catches” – 11:15
Abstract: Impacts of climate change on the distribution range, biomass, the physiology and eventually the catch potential of marine species have large implications for the people who depend on fish for food and income, and thus economics of society as a whole. In our previous studies, we combined the outputs from dynamic bioclimate envelope models (DBEM) with the economic parameters to project the impact on the revenues and the ripple effects of the whole economy of each of 192 fishing nations. Also, we applied this model to project the potential impacts of climate change on the economics, food and nutritional security in some climate vulnerable regions such as the Artic and West Africa. However, the previous version of DBEM does not include the routine on modeling how the catch amount and profit affecting the investment and ultimately the fishing effort. Meanwhile, there is no feedback pathway for the effect of dynamic changes in effort on biomass and catches. To address these, we incorporate the fishing fleet dynamics by combining a simple bioeconomic model, which assumes active effort will seek to maximize profits from a fishery given yearly price and cost information, with the DBEM. These profit maximizing vessels will choose whether to enter a fishery or remain in the dock in the next year based on profitability of the fishery. This presentation will explain this framework and its implications in our future climate change impact analysis.

Vicky Lam – “From marine ecosystem transformation to human nutritional outcomes: insights from Bangladesh” – 11:45
Abstract: Momentum for policymaking around marine conservation depends on rigorously quantified estimates of the impact of ecosystem transformation on human well-being. The scientific challenge is to develop methods for robust inference across the long, complex causal chain from ecosystem structure to health outcomes. Using data from Bangladesh, we present a workflow for integrating three independent models: 1) an ecological model to project changes in abundance and distribution of marine species in response to climate change and fisheries management; 2) a multi-market economic model to derive equilibrium states in fisheries production, consumption, and trade; and 3) a nutritional epidemiology model that predicts the consequences of changes in consumption of fish products on specific health conditions. We assess how various scenarios of marine ecosystem transformation affect the evolution of health status in Bangladesh between the present day and 2050, disaggregating results by rural inland, rural coastal, and urban populations in the country.

Lauren Weatherdon, Yoshitaka Ota, Miranda Jones, William Cheung – “Projected scenarios for coastal First Nations’ fisheries catch potential under climate change: implications for management and food security” – 12:00
Abstract: Studies have demonstrated ways in which climate-related shifts in the distributions and relative abundances of marine species are expected to alter the dynamics and catch potential of global fisheries. While these studies assess impacts on large-scale commercial fisheries, few efforts have been made to quantitatively project impacts on small-scale subsistence and commercial fisheries that are economically, socially and culturally important to many coastal communities. This study uses a dynamic bioclimate envelope model to project scenarios of climate-related changes in the relative abundance and distribution of 98 exploited marine fishes and invertebrates of commercial, nutritional, and cultural importance to First Nations in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Declines in abundance are projected for most of the sampled species under both the lower and higher emissions scenarios (-15.0% to -20.8%, respectively), with poleward range shifts occurring at a median rate of 10.3 to 18.0 km per decade by 2050 relative to 2000. While a cumulative decline in catch potential is projected coastwide (-4.5 to -10.7%), estimates suggest a strong positive correlation between the change in relative catch potential and latitude, with First Nations’ territories along the northern and central coasts of British Columbia likely to experience less severe declines than those to the south. These results are discussed in light of associated management challenges and impacts on food security.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fisheries, aquaculture and the oceans 8 – 8:30-10:30
Daniel Dunn, Guillermo Ortuño Crespo – “A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems” – 8:45
Abstract: Pelagic environments are the most widespread type of ecosystem on Earth, covering twice the surface area of all other terrestrial systems combined, and orders of magnitude more volume. The dynamism of these three dimensional systems makes them very complicated to define in space and time, and even more difficult to monitor for potential ecosystem impacts of anthropogenic stressors. Our capacity to exploit these systems far exceeds our ability to gauge the impacts of that exploitation, particularly in areas that lie beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). Against this backdrop, the United Nations passed a resolution to begin negotiations on a new mechanism to allow for the sustainable use of biodiversity in ABNJ. Here, to inform the discussion of whether or not fisheries should be excluded from the new agreement, we review recent literature to identify evidence for, and trends in, the impacts of fisheries on pelagic populations, communities and ecosystems. Such impacts include directed fishing mortality of target species or bycatch. The collateral effects of these impacts include: alterations in the range and demographics of populations, changes in the composition and trophic stability of ecological communities or loss of species and biodiversity. Given the migratory nature of many of the species which comprise these communities, ensuring the health and integrity of oceanic ecosystems, will have a positive repercussions in both open ocean and coastal fisheries and ecosystems.

Conserving the other 50% of the world: Status and opportunities in area-based management beyond national jurisdiction – 08:30 – 10:30
Patrick Halpin – “Results, implications and future directions of the first intergovernmentally sanctioned effort to describe ecological or biologically significant areas (EBSAs)” – 9:00
Abstract: Over the last several years the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has been organizing a series of regional efforts to describe ecologically or biologically significant areas (EBSAs) in both national exclusive economic zones (EEZs) as well as areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). These regional efforts have now covered the majority of the global oceans so it is now an especially important time to take stock of the current distribution of EBSAs described to date and to examine future directions in this process. There are a number of questions that are emerging as we take stock of the process. These questions include: how have EBSAs described to date captured different types of marine features, habitats and categories of species? What are the implications of EBSA descriptions for migratory marine species? How can we better categorize EBSAs into more specific categories (fixed features, aggregated features, ephemeral features and dynamic features)? What can be done to better refine and communicate the results and necessary caveats of the EBSA process to decision makers? How can the international community potentially refine individual EBSA descriptions and regional workshop outcomes? Answering these types of questions have been the topics of recent international expert meetings and will help to guide the future development of the EBSA process. This presentation will provide an current update on the EBSA process and implications for future activities.

Daniel Dunn – “The call for MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction: identifying real needs and false assumptions” – 9:30
Abstract: The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area process and the UNGA’s Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Working Group have focused attention on the need for area-based conservation measures in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). This has led to an increase in calls for the use of marine protected areas in the open-ocean and deep seas; generating a strong need to understand how studies of coastal MPAs can be transferred to ABNJ waters. In this presentation, we examine threats to biodiversity in ABNJ and consider how they have been reduced in coastal zones through the use of protected areas. In enumerating the scope of potential uses of MPAs in coastal zones, we identify gaps in how MPAs are being employed in ABNJ. We highlight the importance of objectives unrelated to resource extraction and question what existing institutions might ensure such cultural, scientific and conservation objectives are considered in ABNJ. Further, we look at the potential benefits derived from MPAs in coastal areas and examine evidence of their transferability to the open-ocean and deep seas. Of particular interest is how concepts of habitat and representativity may be applied in the pelagic realm and the degree to which we can expect traditional fisheries benefits from MPAs (spillover, larval export, etc.) to accrue in these zones. We also consider the transferability of other area-based management measures (e.g., dynamic ocean management).

Daniel Dunn – “Conserving the other 50% of the world: status and opportunities in area-based management beyond national jurisdiction” – 9:45
Abstract: Areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) in the word ocean covers over half of Earth’s surface and encompasses significant portions of the world’s open ocean and deep seas. Although the oceans have been utilized by humans for millennia, it is only recently that a significant increase in human activities in the open oceans and deep seas is being observed, increasingly threatening marine biodiversity. Adding to this, are indirect effects caused by global climate change, putting additional pressure on these ecosystems. This has led to repeated calls for the conservation of ABNJ. However, no comprehensive mechanism exist as yet to conserve its biodiversity but recently the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish a Preparatory Committee to begin negotiations on a new legally-binding instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in ABNJ. The negotiations will set the stage for the conservation of biodiversity for the other 50% of the planet and represent an enormous opportunity to inform conservation policy and effect change. In this talk we will present the main findings of the workshop that examined the status and opportunities for conservation of ABNJ by reviewing new scientific findings and current sectoral efforts to conserve biodiversity. We will make a synthesis of the discussions held and examine how it can inform the new legally-binding instrument for the conservation and sustainable use in ABNJ.

Fisheries, aquaculture and the oceans – 11:00-13:00
Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor, William Cheung – “Evaluating biodiversity targets in marine ecosystems: a fuzzy logic framework” – 11:15
Abstract: The Aichi Biodiversity Targets were developed by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and its member parties to support global conservation and sustainability efforts. They are divided into twenty concrete Targets within five Strategic Goals, with most targets intended to be reached by the year 2020. However, evaluating progress can be difficult given that targets focus on desired outcomes rather than specific measurable benchmarks. Therefore, we developed a fuzzy logic system that evaluates overall progress based on sets of indicators corresponding to each target. A key aspect of this method is that all assumptions are transparent and can be easily modified to gauge their impact on results. We apply this method to evaluate progress specific to Canadian marine ecosystems, though the framework is designed for application to any problem where data is spotty and/or progress is difficult to measure.

Full list of presenters

7th World Fisheries Congress in Busan, Korea

The Nereus Program is participating in the 7th World Fisheries Congress in Busan, South Korea, including organizing the session “Future of marine fisheries under climate change: Exploring uncertainties, future scenarios and multi-scale transformative pathways.”

Participants include Nereus Program Manager/Research Associate Wilf Swartz, Nereus Alumnus Ryan Rykaczewski (The University of South Carolina) and Nereus Fellows Rebecca Asch (Princeton University), Mathieu Colléter (UBC), Guillermo Ortuño Crespo (Duke University), Matilda Petersson (Stockholm University), Vicky Lam (UBC), and Daniel Dunn (Duke University).

Full agenda:


C101, 14:00-16:00
Moderators: Rykaczewski, Ryan; Swartz, Wilf

14:40-15:00. S09-03: Projected Changes in the Distribution and Phenology of Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) Spawning Aggregations
Asch, Rebecca G.; Erisman, Brad E.

15:00-15:20. S09-04: Projected change in global fisheries revenues under climate change
Lam, Vicky WY; Cheung, William WL; Reygondeau, Gabriel; Sumaila, Rashid U.

15:20-15:40. S09-05: Examining the adaptive capacity of global seafood supply chains through corporate strategies and market-based initiatives.
Swartz, Wilf; Ota, Yoshitaka

17:00-17:20. S09-09: Evolution, ownership and control in the global seafood industry
Österblom, Henrik; Spijkers, Jessica; Jouffray, Jean-Baptiste

C212, 16:20-18:00

17:00-17:20. S18-14: A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems
Ortuno Crespo, Guillermo Alexis; Dunn, Daniel


C101, 10:50-12:30
Moderators: Asch, Rebecca; Swartz, Wilf

11:10-11:30. S09-14: Influence of spawning phenology on modeled fish recruitment and biomass under projected climate change
Petrik, Colleen M; Asch, Rebecca; Sarmiento, Jorge; Stock, Charles; Watson, James

14:20-14:40. S09-19: Impacts of fishing and climate change on the world’s ocean biomass from 1950 to 2100
Colléter, Mathieu; Cheung, William W. L.; Gascuel, Didier; Reygondeau, Gabriel; Pauly, Daniel


C204, 10:00-11:40

10:00-10:20. S05FE-01: Dynamic ocean management increases the efficiency and efficacy of fisheries management
Dunn, Daniel C; Maxwell, Sara M; Boustany, Andre M; Halpin, Patrick N

Nereus session details:

Climate change and acidification impact ocean systems and fisheries in multifaceted ways, through changes in ocean productivity, redistribution of species and fisheries resources and increased variability of some fish stocks. These impacts have large implications for fishing sectors, coastal communities and society, particularly for those that are already vulnerable due to, for instance, resource depletion, existence of perverse subsidies and institutional barriers that inhibit consideration of transboundary issues. To help build climate-resilience for marine fisheries, we need to understand adaptive capacity of both biophysical and human systems, and explore the need and potential for transformations at multiple levels to ensure sustainable oceans and fisheries. Because of the complexity of the marine social-ecological system and the interdisciplinary nature of the issues involved, we need to assess these measures at multiple scales (local, regional and global) and domains (biophysical, economic, social and legal) to avoid mal-adaptation and incompatibility in achieving sustainable fisheries goals. Firstly, we need to better understand the future of the oceans and fisheries and the associated risks and uncertainties. Secondly, we need to evaluate the adaptive capacity of both the natural and human systems to these expected future changes. Thirdly, we need to identify and evaluate options for transformative measures that mitigate or reduce impacts from climate change and ocean acidification. In this 2-day session, we will bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields of oceanography, fisheries science, management, economics, governance and legal studies to discuss their latest findings on: – assessing the vulnerability, risks and uncertainties of future fisheries under climate change and ocean acidification – scenario development for fisheries – exploration of possible adaptation and/or transformative pathways that can lead to sustainable development in the ocean under climate change.

Bluefin Futures Symposium

Nereus Director (Policy) Yoshitaka Ota, Program Manager/Research Associate Wilf Swartz, and Alumnus Andre Boustany will attend the Bluefin Futures Symposium in Monterey, California. Boustany will present on “Migration Patterns and Population Structure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus)”. Read the session abstract.






"Tariffs for lobster, for example, are currently at 5% in Japan and 0% in USA. Removing that 5 percent barrier won’t change much." Image: "Grilled Lobster" by Prayitno, CC BY 2.0.

例えば、現在ロブスターには、日本では5%の関税が課せられているが、アメリカ合衆国では非課税。その5%の課税をなくしても何も変わらないだろう。 Image: “Grilled Lobster” by Prayitno, CC BY 2.0.


全体として、この影響は取るに足らないものだと考える。日本市場がより開かれるだろうと考える人が多くいるのだが、そうはならないと推察する。日本の歴史から見て、水産物はもともと日本にとっての輸出産業であった。そのため、日本は水産物の貿易を推進するために低い関税政策を推し進めてきた。しかし過去20年間で、日本は主要な水産物輸入国となった。日本の水産物市場では、ほとんどの輸入水産物に5%以下の関税が課されており、すでにかなり入手しやすくなっている。そのような低い関税下では、日本における外国産の水産物の競争力への影響は、関税の廃止によってではなく、為替レートなど他の要因により決定する。そして、アメリカ合衆国をはじめとする他の大きな水産物市場では、さらに低い関税が課されている。例えば、ロブスターに課せられる関税は、現在日本では5%でアメリカ合衆国では0%である。この5%の関税を取り除いたとしてもほとんど変わらないし、 TPPがすでに低い関税が課されている世界のロブスター市場を大きく変えることはないだろう。

規則の標準化に関して、TPP がどれくらいの影響を及ぼすかを言及するのは難しい。持続可能な漁業管理と違法漁業の排除を必要条件とするのは正しい政策ではあるが、これらの正しい標準化においてもその細部に落とし穴は潜んでいる。たとえば、「持続可能な漁業管理」の明確な定義を確立することは、それ自体非常に困難な事であり、国際交渉において合意できる定義の実現は不可能に近い。 事実、WTOは2001年からこの課題に取り組んでいるが、未だ大きな前進はなされていない。これらを勘案すると、TPPによって国家レベルでの漁業規則に具体的な変化が起こるとは思えない。



Swartz doesn't believe that the TPP will open the Japanese seafood market, since it's already accessible with low tariffs. Image by Lindsay Lafreniere.

低い関税で水産物がすでに入手できるため、スワーツ研究員は、TPPが新たな日本の水産物市場の開放につながるとは考えていない。Image by Lindsay Lafreniere.





By Lindsay Lafreniere










From ocean to consumer: Wilf Swartz on public awareness and transparency down the supply chain



Fish and Fisheries に掲載された新しい論文、“Masked, diluted and drowned out: how global seafood trade weakens signals from marine ecosystems,” で、スワーツらは、市場価格が必ずしも持続可能性を指し示していないと論じた。その背景に実際にある様々なことに関する情報が、より分かりやすく提供される必要があると述べている。


Wilf Swartz presents at the Ocean Wise Seafood Symposium on April 27, 2015.  (Image courtesy of Meighan Makarchuk, Vancouver Aquarium)

Wilf Swartz presents at the Ocean Wise Seafood Symposium on April 27, 2015.
(Image courtesy of Meighan Makarchuk, Vancouver Aquarium)










スワーツは、シーフードサプライチェーンと世界のシーフード企業の社会的責任に関する研究において、これらのアイデアについてさらに踏み込んで考えている。彼は、4月27日バンクーバーで開かれた Ocean Wise’s Tenth Anniversary Seafood Symposiumで現在行っている研究に関する発表をした。






By Emily Fister



This is an international event in which coders create new applications for mobile devices to help fishers work smarter and more safely in sustainable fishing. Wilf Swartz, Nereus Program Research Associate, will sit on the judging panel as a fisheries expert.

Ocean Wise Seafood Symposium

Wilf Swartz talks to Canadian seafood industry leaders at a symposium to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Ocean Wise Program, Canada’s first sustainable seafood program (