

Are we adapting to climate change, or resigning to it?

by Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor

In A Sand County Almanac, the landmark book on wilderness, ecology, and conservation, we are offered a short anecdote regarding a changing environment:

“I had a bird dog named Gus. When Gus couldn’t find pheasants he worked up an enthusiasm for Sora rails and meadowlarks. This whipped-up zeal for unsatisfactory substitutes masked his failure to find the real thing. It assuaged his inner frustration.” – Aldo Leopold (1949).

William Cheung and Gabriel Reygondeau publish chapter on The Southern Ocean in the Ocean and Climate Platform’s Scientific Notes

William Cheung, Director of the Nereus Program (Science), and Gabriel Reygondeau, Nereus Fellow (UBC), are co-authors of a chapter on The Southern Ocean, published in the Ocean and Climate Platform’s Scientific Notes. The Ocean and Climate Platform is an alliance of NGOs and research institutes, with support from UNESCO.

Richard Caddell presents at the Arctic Circle Conference

Richard Caddell, Senior Nereus Fellow (International Law, Utrecht University), presented a paper at the annual Arctic Circle Conference, convened at the Harpa Centre, Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 17, 2015. The Arctic Circle Conference has rapidly established itself as a major event in Arctic scholarship and diplomacy, featuring a series of presentations by heads of state, senior diplomats and scholars.

Yoshitaka Ota moderates seminar on global ocean commons equity

Yoshitaka Ota (Nereus Director, Policy, UBC) moderated a seminar titled “Who owns the ocean? Equity and conservation in the global ocean commons” on October 23, 2015, at the Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC. A presentation was given by Dr. Majro Vierros who is a Senior Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and its Traditional Knowledge Initiative (TKI). The seminar addressed important issues of high sea governance and benefit sharing of marine resources.

Nereus in the News – Friday, October 23

Ocean Conservancy has published a post titled “The Future Ocean” on their Ocean Currents blog that examines the key findings from the Nereus Program report “Predicting Future Oceans: Climate Change, Oceans & Fisheries”.

Canadian federal leadership failing its oceans, study finds

Canada has gone from being a world leader in ocean management to a country failing its oceans due to a lack of federal leadership in implementing ocean policy, the cutting of funding and resources to government ocean science, and the silencing of government scientists.

These findings are part of a new study in Marine Policy, co-authored by Nereus Program researchers, which states that “federal ocean policy and management have diverged substantially from marine science in the past decade”.

Ryan Rykaczewski participates in The School on Ocean Climate Modelling

Ryan Rykaczewski, Nereus Program alumnus and assistant professor at the University of South Carolina, recently participated in the “School on Ocean Climate Modeling: Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Semi-Enclosed Seas” in Ankara, Turkey, from September 28 to October 1, as an invited expert on upwelling ecosystems. Additionally, Ryan participated in a CLIVAR workshop on upwelling from October 2 to 3 in Ankara.