

What effects will Brexit have on the UK’s fishing industry? Uncertainties facing policy, science and society.

In the lead up to last week’s referendum on whether the United Kingdom should remain in the European Union, immigration often seemed to be at the forefront at the debate. But the fishing industry was also a hot topic, even leading to demonstrations and bitter exchanges on the impact of EU membership, including from boats on the Thames. With the UK voting to leave the EU, there is a lot of uncertainty for the future of fisheries. Here are some areas, affecting policy, science and society, where the impacts may be felt.

Process versus products: The role of creativity in the working lives of scientists

By Rebecca G. Asch, Senior Nereus Fellow, Princeton University

My mother is an abstract expressionist painter who creates art using oil paints, acrylics, watercolors, and pen and ink. My father has a Masters degree in physics and spent most of his career working as a software engineer. As a result, I have born witness to many conversations about the intersection between art and science throughout my life.

Fish alter migration patterns as global waters warm

Water spills from the edge of a giant, melting iceberg on the cover of the November 2015 issue of Science.

The special issue focused on the effects of climate change on our ocean systems, and highlighted research by Dr. William Cheung, an Associate Professor with the Changing Ocean Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, and Director (Science) of the Nereus Program. The journal used a map Dr. Cheung and his team created that describes the effects of changing water temperatures on fish species migration.

Nereus in the News – Friday, July 10

This past week, the Nereus Program released a report on the future of the world’s oceans and William Cheung, Co-Director, also published a paper in Science on future oceans under different CO2 emissions scenerios. The following is a list of some of the local and international media coverage.