
Pat Halpin

Global Fishing Watch Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort Workshop

Between May 10 and 14, 2017, the Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort Workshop was held at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Nereus attendance at the workshop included participation from Director of Science William Cheung (UBC), Principal Investigator Pat Halpin (Duke), Research Associate Derek Tittensor (Cambridge/UNEP-WCMC), Fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke), fellow Guillermo Ortuño-Crespo (Duke), Fellow Gabriel Reygondeau (UBC), and Fellow Vicky Lam (UBC).

Workshop: Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort

Several Nereus Program affiliates, including fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke), fellow Guillermo Ortuño-Crespo (Duke), research associate Derek Tittensor (Cambridge/UNEP-WCMC), science director William Cheung (UBC), principal investigator Pat Halpin (Duke), fellow Gabriel…

UN Convention on Biological Diversity 2016 (COP13)

This year’s conference focused on mainstreaming biodiversity across relevant sectors, especially agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and tourism, to contribute to the sustainable development goals, climate action, food security and other human development goals. Nereus Program researchers participated in expert workshops and drafting groups, and presented at several side events.

Global Fishing Watch Research Workshop with Google Earth Outreach

The Nereus Program presented at a Global Fishing Watch Research Workshop on June 6th and 7th at Google’s offices in San Francisco, California, United States.

Global Fishing Watch is a technology-based partnership that started between digital mapping non-profit SkyTruth, oceans advocacy foundation Oceana, and Google’s Google Earth Outreach program, “designed to show all of the trackable fishing activity in the ocean” via an interactive web tool. With the goal of combating fisheries decline, the project will “reveal the intensity of fishing effort around the world” and help citizens hold world leaders accountable for the maintenance of an abundant ocean.