Third Arctic Circle Conference
Richard Caddell, Nereus Fellow (Utrecht), will be presenting a paper on marine mammal management in the Arctic as an invited panelist at the Third Arctic Circle Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Richard Caddell, Nereus Fellow (Utrecht), will be presenting a paper on marine mammal management in the Arctic as an invited panelist at the Third Arctic Circle Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Richard Caddell, Nereus Fellow (Utrecht), will be presenting a paper as an invited panelist on the relationship between regional fisheries management bodies and other international bodies and processes (K. G….
Richard Caddell, Senior Nereus Fellow at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, has published a paper entitled “Platforms, Protestors and Provisional Measures: The Arctic Sunrise Dispute and Environmental Activism at Sea” (PDF) in the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2014.
William Cheung and Yoshitaka Ota, Co-Directors of the Nereus Program, recently attended the Our Common Future under Climate Change conference in Paris to present findings from the program on the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems and fisheries. The conference, held from July 7 to 10, saw nearly 2000 participants from 100 countries come together to discuss all aspects of scientific knowledge on climate change.
R. Caddell, W.Cheung, Y.Ota and R. Sumaila will present papers on fisheries under climate change
Nereus fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) will be presenting on the regulation of areas and resources in sites exposed by ice-thaw at the ICE LAW one-day workshop at the Arctic Centre…
Nereus fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) will be presenting on the regulation of areas and resources in sites exposed by ice-thaw at the ICE LAW one-day workshop at the Arctic Centre…
Nereus fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) will be presenting on the regulation of areas and resources in sites exposed by ice-thaw at the ICE LAW one-day workshop at the Arctic Centre…
Nereus fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) will be presenting on the regulation of areas and resources in sites exposed by ice-thaw at the ICE LAW one-day workshop at the Arctic Centre…