
Media Highlights


Indigenous peoples of the world’s coastlines are losing their fisheries — and their way of life“, December 2, 2016.
Scientists say climate change is threatening the lifeblood of Canada’s native people“, January 13, 2016.
natgeothumb This Seaweed is Good for You – And for the Environment“, November, 2017.
One of the World’s Biggest Fisheries Is on the Verge of Collapse“, August 29, 2016.
CBC News logo Climate change could have devastating impact on global fisheries“, December 22, 2016.
Coastal Indigenous people eat 15 times more seafood than non-Indigenous, study reveals“, December 3, 2016.
Polar bears could find last refuge in Canada’s High Arctic as ice melts“, July 7, 2015.
CBS News Logo Climate change could drain global seafood supplies“, July 2, 2015.
Pacific Islands could lose 80 percent of their fish because of climate change“, November 18, 2017.
World’s fishing fleet to catch 25 billion fewer fish a year by 2100 unless more is done to stop climate change“, December 22, 2016.
BBC News logo South China Sea fish stocks threatened“, November 5, 2015.
nprthumb “Warming Waters Push Fish to Cooler Climes, Out of Some Fishermen’s Reach”, May 17, 2018

Fish Stocks Are Struggling To Rebound. Why Climate Change Is On The Hook“, December 14, 2015.


Pacific Threat: 80 percent of Fish Set to be Wiped Out as Ocean Temperatures Surge“, November 17, 2017. 

What Seafood Consumption Can Tell Us About Environmental Sustainability“, January 30, 2017.

How the world subsidizes overfishing, in two charts“, March 21, 2016.
CTV News logo Net loss: First Nations fisheries threatened by climate change, study says“, January 13, 2016.
wiredthumb To Save the Oceans, These Guys Are Turning to Sci-Fi“, September 22, 2016.
hakaithumb British Columbia First Nations’ Failing Fisheries“, January 13, 2016.
vansunthumb New study predicts significant declines in B.C. native fish catches due to climate change“, January 13, 2016.
Reuters logo South China Sea ruling won’t stop plundering of ecosystem, experts say“, July 13, 2016.
Globe and Mail logo Ten per cent of world could face malnutrition as fish stocks tumble“, June 15, 2016.
Global warming could cause fishing to decline by millions of tons each year, study says“, December 22, 2016.
CBC News logo International climate targets good for global fisheries: B.C. researchers“, December 22, 2016.
The Paris Climate Agreement Could Save Commercial Fishing“, December 22, 2016.
CBC News logo Incumplir el Acuerdo de París reduciría en un 38% la pesca en el Mediterráneo“, December 22, 2016.
Climate change could kill 50-80% of Pacific fish species: study“, November 22, 2017.
