Nereus Program Principal Investigator Alex Oude Elferiink (Utrecht), Principal Investigator Erik Molenaar (Utrecht), and Fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) co-facilitated the workshop “Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans” on February 7 and 8. The event was hosted by the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) and the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL), Utrecht University.
Richard Caddell, Nereus Director of Science William Cheung (UBC), Erik Molenaar and Alex Oude Elferink all spoke about various aspects of strengthening international fisheries law given our scientific knowledge of changing fisheries dynamics. Caddell and Molenaar presented content from draft chapters that will be included in a book entitled “Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans”.

Image: School of Stars by Ingrid Taylar, CC BY 2.0.