UN Ocean Conference Preparatory Meeting Side Event
The Nereus Program will hold a side event at the UN General Assembly’s preparatory meeting for the UN Ocean Conference in June. The meeting is to convene on February 15…
The Nereus Program will hold a side event at the UN General Assembly’s preparatory meeting for the UN Ocean Conference in June. The meeting is to convene on February 15…
This year’s conference focused on mainstreaming biodiversity across relevant sectors, especially agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and tourism, to contribute to the sustainable development goals, climate action, food security and other human development goals. Nereus Program researchers participated in expert workshops and drafting groups, and presented at several side events.
Nereus Fellow Daniel Dunn will be attending the meeting, held biannually. The Conference of the Parties is the governing body of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and meets to advance implementation of the Convention through its meetings.
Gerald Singh is a Nereus Fellow working with Yoshitaka Ota and Andres Cisneros-Montemayor and collaborating with the United Nations Development Programme. Gerald is characterizing the contribution of a sustainable ocean to achieving broad sustainable development goals. Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework, Gerald is researching how the SDGs are dependent on achieving sustainable use and management of the ocean.