Responses of Eastern Boundary Current Ecosystems to Anthropogenic Climate Change
Ryan Rykaczewski
University of Tokyo’s Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute Tokyo, Japan May 20, 2016
Climate Change, Marine Ecosystems
7月 7, 2016
Integrating Catch Data into Madingley
Philip Underwood
Nereus Annual General Meeting 2016 UBC, Vancouver, Canada May 30 to June 3, 2016
Computer Modeling
6月 10, 2016
Evaluation and Characterisation of Marine Biodiversity Under Climate Change
Gabriel Reygondeau
Climate Change, Marine Ecosystems, Ocean Science, Biodiversity
Exploring the Impacts of Future Global Change on Mangrove-Fishery-Community Linkages
Rachel Seary
Climate Change, Fisheries, Fisheries Management
Aquaculture and its Future Under Climate Change
Muhammed Oyinlola
Climate Change, Marine Ecosystems, Computer Modeling
Does a Bayesian Modelling Approach Capture PBopt Dynamics in the Equatorial Pacific?
Maria de Oca
Projected Change in Global Fisheries Revenues and Effort Under Climate Change
Vicky Lam
Climate Change, Fisheries Economics, Computer Modeling