
William Cheung

Global Fishing Watch Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort Workshop

Between May 10 and 14, 2017, the Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort Workshop was held at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Nereus attendance at the workshop included participation from Director of Science William Cheung (UBC), Principal Investigator Pat Halpin (Duke), Research Associate Derek Tittensor (Cambridge/UNEP-WCMC), Fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke), fellow Guillermo Ortuño-Crespo (Duke), Fellow Gabriel Reygondeau (UBC), and Fellow Vicky Lam (UBC).

UN Meeting: The effects of climate change on oceans

The 18th meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea was held between May 15th and 19th, 2017 in New York. At the meeting, Nippon Foundation-UBC Nereus Program’s Director of Science, William Cheung, delivered a presentation on the effects of climate change on fisheries.

Workshop: Environmental Drivers of Fishing Effort

Several Nereus Program affiliates, including fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke), fellow Guillermo Ortuño-Crespo (Duke), research associate Derek Tittensor (Cambridge/UNEP-WCMC), science director William Cheung (UBC), principal investigator Pat Halpin (Duke), fellow Gabriel…

Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) Regional Symposium on Climate Change

Nereus Director of Science William Cheung (UBC) was an invited speaker at the Regional Symposium on Climate Change hosted by the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) March 13 to 16 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Nereus Steering Committee Chair Daniel Pauly (UBC) participated remotely. Cheung presented on the relationship between marine biodiversity and climate change.

AGEDI National Symposium on Climate Change

Nereus Director of Science William Cheung (UBC) will be participating in the National Symposium on Climate Change hosted by the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) March 13-15 in…

Climate change-contaminant interactions in marine food webs

This paper proposes that climate change will alter the effects of pollutants in marine food webs by either directly increasing contaminant exposure (for instance due to receding ice caps), or making organisms more vulnerable to other climate change impacts. It discusses two main classes of contaminants that can affect the health of marine organisms: fat-soluble contaminants known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and protein-binding contaminants such as methylmercury (MeHg).

Side Event at the UN Ocean Conference Preparatory Meeting

The Nereus Program facilitated a side event on February 16 entitled: “Co-Benefits of Achieving SDG Goal 14 to Wider SDGs: Prioritizing Action Given Climate Change and Social Inequity”. The theme of the event was implications of changing oceans on the advancement of SDG’s, with an emphasis on the co-benefits of achieving ocean targets on other environmental, economic, and social equity goals.

Utrecht workshop: Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans

Nereus Program Principal Investigator Alex Oude Elferiink (Utrecht), Principal Investigator Erik Molenaar (Utrecht), and Fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) co-facilitated the workshop “Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans” on February 7 and 8. The event was hosted by the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) and the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL), Utrecht University.