
Rashid Sumaila

Climate change effects on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

A range of human pressures is threatening the sustainability of marine fisheries. Amongst those, overfishing, partly driven by Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, is a major stressor. Thirty percent of global fish catch goes unreported, found a recent study by Nereus Program collaborator Sea Around Us.

But the relationship between IUU fishing and climate change is a new topic. I speculate that climate change impacts on fisheries may indirectly increase IUU fishing.

Warming Oceans and Rising Tides: Coastal Adaptation in Northwest BC, Canada

Vicky Lam, Fisheries Economist and Senior Research Fellow (UBC), was invited by the Fraser Basin Council to give a presentation on the impacts of climate change on fisheries on the coast of northwest British Columbia, Canada. She attended the one day workshop titled “Warming Oceans and Rising Tides: Coastal Adaptation in Northwest BC”, in Prince Rupert on October 21.

Yoshitaka Ota moderates seminar on global ocean commons equity

Yoshitaka Ota (Nereus Director, Policy, UBC) moderated a seminar titled “Who owns the ocean? Equity and conservation in the global ocean commons” on October 23, 2015, at the Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC. A presentation was given by Dr. Majro Vierros who is a Senior Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and its Traditional Knowledge Initiative (TKI). The seminar addressed important issues of high sea governance and benefit sharing of marine resources.