
Erik Molenaar

Utrecht workshop: Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans

Nereus Program Principal Investigator Alex Oude Elferiink (Utrecht), Principal Investigator Erik Molenaar (Utrecht), and Fellow Richard Caddell (Utrecht) co-facilitated the workshop “Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Changing Oceans” on February 7 and 8. The event was hosted by the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) and the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL), Utrecht University.

Symposium on the South China Sea Arbitration, Utrecht University

Law of the Sea is an important aspect of international law that has implications on state sovereignty, resource distribution, and global fisheries management. Recently, the Philippines utilized the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to assert its marine territorial claims in the Philippines v. China on the South China Sea.

Seminar on Fishing in the Polar Regions

Nereus Principal Investigator at Utrecht University Erik Molenaar and the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) hosted a seminar on fishing in the polar regions on September 12 at Utrecht University. The event aimed to facilitate exchange of information between government agencies, industry, environmental groups, and academics in the Netherlands on various aspects of fishing in the polar regions.

Seminar on Fishing in the Polar Regions

Nereus Principal Investigator at Utrecht Erik Molenaar will be holding this seminar, aimed at facilitating the exchange of information and positions between government, industry, environmental groups, and academics in the…