A Nereus Program study published in Science just before the winter holidays found that meeting the Paris Agreement global warming target of 1.5°C will have large benefits to fisheries. For every degree Celsius decrease in global warming, potential fish catches could increase by more than three million tonnes per year. This study received considerable media attention around the world, including in many different languages.
Select media coverage:
The Independent: “World’s fishing fleet to catch 25 billion fewer fish a year by 2100 unless more is done to stop climate change”
The San Diego Union-Tribune: “Global warming could cause fishing to decline by millions of tons each year, study says”
Gizmodo: “The Paris Climate Agreement Could Save Commercial Fishing”
CBC News: “Climate change could have devastating impact on global fisheries”
The Canadian Press: “International climate targets good for global fisheries: B.C. researchers”
Local Xpress: “ Study: Nova Scotia catches could be maintained if world abides by Paris climate agreement”
Futurity: “Food and jobs from fish hinge on Paris Agreement”
Climate New Network: “Paris warming limit will increase fish catches”
El Mundo: “Incumplir el Acuerdo de París reduciría en un 38% la pesca en el Mediterráneo”
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Fischer profitieren von Klimaschutz”
Watson: “Wie das Pariser Klimaabkommen den globalen Fischfang beeinflusst”
ETH Zurich News: “Petri Dank dem Pariser Klimaabkommen”
La Presse: “Respecter l’accord de Paris permettrait d’épargner la pêche mondiale”
Sciences et Avenir: “Limiter les températures c’est sauver les pêcheurs”
明報加西版(溫哥華) – Ming Pao (Vancouver): “升溫少於1.5度 魚獲年增600萬噸卑大學者籲嚴守《巴黎協定》”
聯合新聞網 (udn.com): “若各國遵守巴黎氣候協定 每年全球漁獲量將增加 600 萬公噸”
am 730: 促各國遵守《巴黎協定》 研究:嚴控氣温升幅增漁產量